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Real Engagement Ring Horror Stories

Last updated on March 06, 2023

They’re spooky and send chills up your spine, but these horror stories don’t rely on ghosts or monsters. They don’t have to. Because nothing’s worse than watching your precious engagement ring clatter down a waterfall or disappear into thin air.

From terrifying toddlers to villainous vacuum cleaners, these stories might keep you up at night--if you don’t have engagement ring insurance to help you sleep easy, that is!

The Toddler Terror

Jenny adored the gorgeous sparkler Ben had given her when he proposed, and she didn’t want anything to happen to it. But, you see, the ring band was a bit too large, and Jenny worried it would slip off her finger.

That’s why she took it off while the couple was visiting Jenny’s brother. The family planned to play volleyball, and Jenny feared it would slip off and be lost. So she placed it on the mantle above the fireplace and went out to play.

After a rousing game, she returned to an empty mantle. The ring was gone! For hours, everyone searched high and low. Finally, a neighbour child mentioned that she had seen Jenny’s two-year-old nephew carrying it around, but the toddler could tell them nothing, and it hasn’t been found to this day.

Fortunately, Ben had bought JewelCover jewellery insurance when he purchased the engagement ring, so the couple returned to the original jeweller, who replaced the ring. And this time, it fit her perfectly, right from the start.

The Waterfall Washout

As soon as Nick decided to marry Lena, he knew the perfect proposal location: Queen Mary Falls in South East Queensland. They’d hiked to the falls on their first date and splashed each other with the cool water.

All breezy and carefree, Nick suggested they reenact their first date, just for fun. When they reached the falls, Nick pulled a ring box out of his pocket and opened it up. Tears filled Lena’s eyes; it was a dream come true. But her tears turned tragic when the ring slipped out of Nick’s fingers and clattered on the stone below. It bounced twice and then disappeared into the roaring water.

They soaked themselves, frantically searching for the sparkler, but turned up empty-handed. That’s when Nick remembered the JewelCover policy he had bought just the day before. Hand-in-hand, they walked back to the car, dripping wet but sure Lena would soon have a diamond on her finger.

Mangled by the Machine

Mariah’s engagement ring had been missing for two weeks, but she was sure it was somewhere in the house. She’d looked everywhere--twice--but felt it would turn up eventually.

As she vacuumed the rug one evening, she heard a terrible clacking sound and shut off the Dyson immediately. She opened it up and found her sparkler! But its trip through the vacuum had twisted two of the prongs and chipped the centre diamond.

Happily, Mariah’s fiance had purchased a JewelCover policy for the engagement ring, so they took it back to their jeweller, who put it to rights. So today, it’s back on her finger--whole, gorgeous, and where it belongs.

The Playground Pickle

The students in Annie’s class loved the romance of their teacher’s engagement. They giggled when Annie’s fiance Eric stopped by and loved to look at their teacher’s stunning diamond ring.

One chilly day, while Annie supervised the children on the playground, she noticed that the ring caught on her jacket when she put her hands in her pockets. She looked at the ring, and gasped. Instead of a light-filled sparkler, she saw a clawlike, gaping hole. Her diamond was gone!

On further inspection, a prong appeared to be bent. The children immediately went into action, sifting the sand and looking everywhere for their teacher’s diamond. But they couldn’t find it. 

Three years later, Annie and Eric are happily married, and Annie’s ring is sparkling away (we quickly coordinated a replacement stone with her chosen jeweller). As for the children at Annie’s school, they still spend their recess searching for the mysterious lost stone, which takes on greater mythical powers each year.

Protect Your Engagement Ring With Specialised Insurance

As you can see, engagement ring horror stories do happen. But specialised jewellery insurance like JewelCover can provide protection when tragedy strikes. So while you’ll never forget the mishaps, your insurance will soften the blow and restore your precious sparkler to you.

With a JewelCover policy, you’ll join thousands of other savvy Australians who have invested a small amount in protecting their priceless treasures. Our cover includes 12 months of worldwide protection, the option to return to your original jewellery for replacement and repair, and a free annual revaluation of your items. 

Find out how little it costs to protect the things you love - get a JewelCover quote today.

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