Peace of Mind, Without The Price Tag.
Jewellery Insurance from as little as $27.50 per year
Whether it’s an engagement ring, diamond ring, luxury watch or family heirloom, your special items deserve special protection. Get peace of mind with JewelCover jewellery insurance - specialised protection at an affordable price.
We’re here to provide you with a comprehensive standalone jewellery insurance policy to help you protect your precious jewellery.
Jewellery Insurance Benefits
Worldwide cover
When it comes to jewellery insurance, it’s easy to think your policy covers you anywhere you travel in the world. Some policies may give you limited coverage for a certain period of time while travelling. If you are insured with us, you can enjoy worldwide coverage with the confidence to wear and enjoy your jewellery no matter how long you travel for.
Coverage inside and outside the home
Jewellery is meant to be worn and enjoyed. Is it enough that you are only covered while you are inside your home? We don’t think so. Our jewellery insurance policy covers you inside and outside your house.
Return to your jeweller
We believe that our customers should always have the option to return to their preferred or original jeweller in the event of a claim.
You picked your jeweller for a reason. It may be a family jeweller who has made jewellery for your family for many generations. It may be a jeweller you selected because of their impeccable reputation or brand. Whatever the reason is, JewelCover ensures that in the case of a claim, our customers can always return to their original or preferred jeweller, rather than an unknown jeweller who happens to have a relationship with the insurer.
Replacement Policy
A Replacement Policy means that you are covered for a like-for-like replacement or repair, putting you back where you were prior to the loss or damage.
Complimentary revaluation of your jewellery
Traditional home insurance policies explicitly state that it is your responsibility to ensure that the insured value is correct.
As the value of jewellery can fluctuate over time due to changes in the cost of gem stones, metals, labour and currency rate changes, we appreciate the need for your jewellery to be regularly revalued to ensure that in the event of a claim, you will be adequately covered.
With a JewelCover policy, you can be rest assured that your jewellery is revalued every 12 months by our expert jewellery consultants. Did we mention that this was complimentary?
Confidence and trust
Confidence and trust are important ingredients when purchasing jewellery. They are critical ingredients in the event of a jewellery insurance claim.
Working with a member of the JAA gives you peace of mind that there is an internationally recognised body behind you to ensure that you are protected from start to finish.
Don’t Take Our Word For It
For Kara, insuring her engagement ring isn't only about it's monetary worth, but about safeguarding priceless memories. That's why she chooses JewelCover. We take pride in protecting the most precious things in your life.
But don't take our word for it, watch the video and let her tell you in her own words why she trusts JewelCover to protect what's irreplaceable.
In terms of its sentimental value, my engagement ring is invaluable. So, for me - having insurance on my ring is non-negotiable.

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Purchase Amount
To get an accurate insurance quote:
please provide the amount from your purchase receipt.
If you don't have the receipt, you can provide the most recent valuation amount instead.