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Involving Your Partner in the Search for an Engagement Ring

Last updated on March 06, 2023

Choosing an engagement ring is tricky business. On the one hand, this is the perfect opportunity for a once-in-a-lifetime, knock-em-dead surprise. On the other hand, she’ll wear this ring every day for the rest of her life, so she’s got to love it (and how do you know what she’ll love?).

Many would-be fiances try to strike a happy medium. They discreetly gather clues about what she wants and then wow her with a carefully chosen sparkler. Others swing one direction or the other. The truth is that couples are all different. While some love to make all decisions jointly, others prefer the element of surprise and don’t feel the need for consulting one another on purchases.

Where do you fall? Keep reading to learn about different ways to involve your partner in the search for an engagement ring.


Stealth Mode

If you want to surprise her utterly, going it alone might be best. Let’s look at the pros and cons.


  • So, so romantic

  • The ultimate surprise.

  • Brownie points if you choose a ring she loves.


  • What if she hates it?

Can you accurately predict which dress she’ll buy? Does she appreciate your input and ideas? If so, stealth mode could be perfect for you.


She’s Tangentially Involved

If you’ve already discussed marriage, then she’s thinking about an engagement ring and possibly dropping hints about what she likes. But you can still preserve some elements of surprise.


  • Less stressful than stealth mode.

  • She’ll get the style she’s after.

  • You can still keep the price secret.


  • Less surprise, less romance

  • Her expectations could be higher than you can afford

While you sacrifice some of the romance of a surprise proposal, you can choose something you know she’ll like. She won’t know when you’ve purchased the ring, so you can still control the fantastic moment when you pop the question.


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She Goes Shopping with You

On the other end of the spectrum, you can take her shopping with you. She’ll try on rings and know everything about the process.


  • She’ll get exactly what she wants.

  • Shopping together can be a bonding experience.


  • The surprise is out the window.

  • She’ll know how much you spend.

  • Shop assistants may show her the most expensive items in the store, stretching your budget beyond your comfort zone.

  • It’s not easy to haggle over prices and avoid appearing cheap.

For some couples, the element of surprise is highly overrated, and they prefer to make all decisions together. 

Which of these strategies feels most comfortable to you? No matter what you ultimately decide to do, consider using one or more of these tips.


Tips for Involving Your Partner in the Search for an Engagement Ring

Leverage Pinterest

Does your love have a Pinterest board focused on jewellery (and maybe even engagement rings)? Browse through her Pinterest boards looking for themes. Does she pin more diamonds or coloured gemstones? Solitaires or three-stone settings? White gold or yellow gold? Asscher cuts or ovals? It’s incredible how much intel you can gather from a well-populated Pinterest board.

Propose with a Loose Stone

For a low-risk surprise proposal, pop the question with a carefully chosen loose stone, and then let her choose the setting. The diamond will provide all the necessary bling, and she’ll have the honour and privilege of designing her own ring.

Consult Her Friends

Maybe she doesn’t have a Pinterest account. If this is the case and you need some input, enlist one of her friends or sisters or perhaps even her mum as an engagement ring consultant. Swear this person to secrecy if necessary. A spy can help you with everything from her preferences to her ring size.

Ask Your Jeweller about Exchanges

To minimise your risk, purchase a ring from a jeweller that offers exchanges. You probably won’t be able to do this with a bespoke piece, but many companies will allow you to exchange the ring for something more to her liking.


Insure the Engagement Ring

Whatever you ultimately choose, be sure to protect the ring with JewelCover insurance. She’ll feel much more comfortable wearing it when she knows it’s covered for theft, damage and loss. To find out how affordable it is to protect that precious bauble, check our prices today!


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