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5 Common Threats Your Jewellery Faces Overseas

Last updated on December 01, 2021

If you’re planning a long-awaited trip overseas as Australia reopens to travel, you may want to take some of your favourite pieces of jewellery along to wear as you go out and about. But from having your jewellery lost by the airlines to having a ring slip off your finger while you’re enjoying a dip in the ocean, your jewellery faces several hazards when you’re travelling overseas.

The following are 5 common hazards you should be careful of when travelling overseas with your jewellery.

Hazard #1: The Airport and Airlines

If you put your jewellery in a checked bag, it’s out of your immediate care and control for an extended period of time. It could be lost by the airline or stolen by another passenger or misplaced by an employee such as a baggage handler. You may not even notice it until you reach your destination and start to unpack, and you won’t be able to backtrack and know where exactly it was stolen and by whom. 

It’s much safer to keep your jewellery in your carry-on that stays with you throughout your flight. Take extra care by packing it in a travel jewellery case to make sure it doesn’t get damaged by coming in unwanted contact with the rest of your packed items.

Hazard #2: The Hotel

As you check into your hotel, keep your own carry-on bag with your jewellery with you instead of giving it to hotel staff. Once you check into your room, be aware that leaving your jewellery in your suitcase or in a drawer in your hotel room leaves it open to being stolen. 

Make sure your room has a safe in it or that you can request one, and use it to store your jewellery. That’s a safer choice than leaving it out for a hotel employee or burglar to steal. Unfortunately, most hotel safes are rather easy to break into, but having one may serve as a deterrent.

Hazard #3: Slipping Off or Becoming Unclasped

As you’re out and about overseas, make sure your rings don’t slip off as you’re washing your hands in soapy water or enjoying time in the pool or ocean. This is more likely to happen in cold water or in a cold vacation climate since your fingers tend to constrict when they’re cold, making your rings fit more loosely. Also, check to make sure clasps on your necklaces and bracelets are secure so they’re less likely to become loose and fall off during your travels.

Hazard #4: Thieves

Many parts of the world have dangerous areas with high crime rates and where tourists, in particular, can become the targets of thieves. Your hotel staff may be able to provide information about this, so try to avoid specific areas of concern if at all possible. Even if you do this, however, the unfortunate truth is that thieves could be anywhere. 

As you’re out and about overseas, tuck your necklaces into your clothing and turn the jewel side of your rings toward your palm. Also take care to not leave your jewellery unattended in your parked car, since it may be broken into.

Hazard #5: Failing to Have Your Jewellery Adequately Insured

Home and contents insurance policies sometimes provide coverage for lost, stolen, or damaged jewellery. You’ll need to have evidence of the jewellery you own and its current value. Even if your home and contents insurance provides this type of coverage and it extends outside the home as well as overseas, it will cover only up to a certain limit that can be quite low if you have even one valuable piece, much less several that have significant value. 

And you’ll quickly find that this type of general home and contents insurance doesn’t provide the expertise you’ll need if your jewellery has been lost, stolen, or damaged overseas.

Jewellery insurance from a specialised insurance company lets you make sure you have comprehensive protection against theft, loss, and damage, even when you’re travelling. At JewelCover, we’re experts in the field and understand the sentimental and emotional attachment you can have to your pieces. 

You’ll be free to wear your jewellery and take it where you’d like without worry, and if something happens, you’ll be covered worldwide. We’re happy to provide a quote in just seconds, and if you’d prefer to talk to us, ring us at 1300 522 808.

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